Tuesday 25 June 2013

Work Experience

I have just completed 2 weeks of work experience in a local mixed animal veterinary practice. It was amazing, and made me so glad to be in vet school and on the way to being a vet. I was there up to 12 hours a day, and assisted with consults in the morning and evening, and surgery 3 days a week, as well as going out on visits to large animals.

I observed and assisted many dog and cat spay and castrate operations, lump removals and emergency surgeries. Every day was different and I saw many animals from cats and dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, a hedgehog, fox, seagull, cows, sheep, horses and chickens.

Although I am yet to study radiography, it was great to be able to look at x-rays and recognize the parts of the bones. There were some very interesting cases, including a cat who had been in a car accident, and had a paralyzed tail, and after x-rays we saw that there was a large space between the vertebra at the base of her tail, and the vet was amazed that she didn't have more damage.

We also had a chicken called Beatrice in who had an impacted crop, and she was on holiday with her owner as she couldn't leave her at home with her father on the farm. The lady had taken the chicken to 5 different vets, and none of them were willing to operate, but the vet I was with operated successfully. I assisted in surgery and monitored her breathing and anesthetic while the vet removed a kidney dish of grass from the chicken's crop. She went home to a very happy owner.

Many cats and dogs come to the vet for routine vaccinations, and I prepared and administered many vaccines, as well as taking their temperatures and checking them over. There were several cute litters of puppies which I helped health check and vaccinate.

I learnt how to calculate the amount of fluid needed to re-hydrate a dehydrated animal, and learnt how to set up and monitor a drip for an animal. I administered tablets and applied spot-on wormers and flea treatments to many cats and dogs. I also removed stitches from animals that came in for post-op check ups.

The saddest times were when animals came in to be put to sleep, and as it was my local vets I knew many of the people and their pets. I had tears in my eyes when I was raising the veins for the vet to inject the animals, although I knew that they were very sick and that it was the best thing for them.

The vets, vet nurses and many clients were very positive about me studying in Slovakia, and everyone had lots of questions.

I loved my work experience and cant wait to do more! But now its time to work like crazy all summer, so that I can afford the rest of my course. I have a job in a burger van and another in a pub.

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